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Managing Stress During The Back To School Season (2021)

Do you have a child heading back to school soon? The back to school season is a stressful period for both children and adults. We’re sharing how to manage and reduce stress during this busy time.

Buying School Uniforms

Despite our best efforts, we always seem to be scrambling around the school uniform department searching for the correct colour cardigan or a pair of trousers that fit. Are you the same? This year, we decided enough was enough and purchased our children's school uniforms as soon as the stock hit the shelf mid-summer. The stress of the last minute shop just isn't worth it! Save yourself unnecessary stress and buy your children's new school uniform as soon as possible. Purchasing early means you don't have to embark on those last-minute shopping sprees just before term. And you're guaranteed to find all the pieces of uniform you need.

Invest now to save money and hassle later in the term

When buying a school uniform, your first instinct might be to buy cheap. After all, children are still growing. What's the point in investing in a blazer that might not fit next year? Unfortunately, buying cheap doesn't work when it comes to our kids. Alongside developing, children are always adventuring. School uniforms need to be robust. We recommend purchasing good quality shoes and uniforms with room for growth—this way, you can avoid the midterm stress when things stop being suitable.

Starting A New School

Starting a new school can be an anxiety-inducing experience. Rather than stressing over how your child is feeling, you need to show them love and support. Your child is likely feeling overwhelmed. They'll be experiencing stress regarding making new friends and finding their way around. To help settle their nerves, make them feel prepared. Provide them with a map of their new school and talk through how they can get to their lessons. Remind them of how friendly and approachable they are and equip them with the confidence they need to reduce their stress. Lessening your child's stress will, in turn, reduce yours.

First Day Nerves

First day nerves are common in parents and children. We want our kids to have the best experience they can at school, whether they're starting a new school or returning to an old one. Sadly, we don't have control over their experience. Once they've stepped through that school gate, you need to have faith everything you've taught them will guide them through their experiences. As difficult as it may seem, there's no point stressing over circumstances we have no control over. Sitting at the office fretting over how your child's day is going isn't going to help. Let them live out their day and organise an evening activity for you to do together. Family dinner or a trip to the cinema will help you wind down and engage with your child about their first day back at school.

Whether they're starting preschool or high school, we're always going to worry about our children. Sometimes, it can be hard to see how this stress hinders their experience. The best thing we can do is reduce stress levels on both sides and focus on supporting our children instead.

When new term stress starts creeping up on you, consider the advice in this post and how you can implement it to support your child in this new chapter of their lives.


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